Sunday, November 19, 2006

Food for thought...

I came across this in a book I'm reading (FOR FUN) and find it incredible striking... I know I have real posts to be doing, but I want to share this...

Writers on health and happiness have suggested that there is a basic human need for intimacy, that our souls are emotionally starved when we deal with strangers all day long. We need people in our lives who know us throrughly and care about us. Dr. Dean Ornish writes, "Our surivial depends on the healing power of love, intimacy, and relationships." We nee dto feel loved. We need people to tell us that we are special and irreplacable, people who will tend to our needs and banish our fears and insecurities the way our mothers did when we were infants. But we also need to give love, to make a difference in someone's life.

from Living a Life that Matters by Harold S. Kushner

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

is that the same Kushner who wrote the book about the Munich Massacre?