Tuesday, February 27, 2007


DISCLAIMER: This may be only interesting to me, but I've been wanting to write it down since it happened this afternoon...

Lets see if I remember any of my script writing skills...

Administration office of HUC. Alicia sits at the crappy computer moniter, although, we're told its the better of the computers open... Steven (the Dean) comes out of the Development Office and then goes to his office. Seconds later he comes out.

SW: Don't you need to go somewhere?

AC: (looking bewildered at him) uuuhhhh

SW: Don't you need to go to Starbucks?

AC: uuuuuhhhhhh....

SW: Yeah. You need to go to Starbucks.

AC: Steven, do you want me to go to Starbucks?

SW: (loudly) NO. Of course not!

AC: Oh, sorry. Yeah, I'll go to Starbucks.

SW: (takes out his wallet) What are you drinking?

AC: Not sure...

SW: (handing Alicia a $5) Well, I want a tall coffee, with milk. Whole milk. Thats $1.55. Use the rest to get whatever you want.


Meanwhile, Freddie is looking going a little crazy at his desk. Shaking his head. Steven goes back to his office. As he gets to the door:

SW: Don't tell Marla.

Steven goes into his office. Freddie goes over to Marla's office and gets her. She comes to just outside her office door.

MA: Whats going on out here?

FT: mumbles something to Marla as Alicia approaches then returns to his desk

MA: You're not going to get him coffee are you? You can't get him caffiene.

AC: I know.

MA: Get decaf and tell him its regular.

AC: Thats my plan.

MA: Have you seen him on caffiene? It makes the ADD turn into ADHD. we can't handle that. He goes crazy. And he (pointing to Freddie) will have to take the wrath of it.

AC: I know.

MA: Especially at this hour. (Looks at watch)
Michelle will kill us. If he has caffiene at this hour he won't sleep.

AC: He doesnt sleep anyway.

MA: No, but imagine him on only 2 hours.

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